Getting noticed in a crowd isn’t easy. So how can you stand out and craft an all-star profile? Here’s six tips to take your LinkedIn profile to the next level.
Being current matters.
Keep your profile up-to-date at all times. You never know who is going to stumble upon you and what opportunities they need to present. So even when you’re not actively job seeking, it’s a smart move.
Use a professional photo.
On average it takes recruiters 6 seconds to scan your profile. And the first thing they notice is your profile photo. After all, they say a picture is worth 1000 words. So pick a recent picture that makes you look awesome.
Show off your achievements.
Your profile is more than just a list of jobs. It’s a list of your accomplishments too. You’ve done the hard work and achieved some impressive things during your career. So don’t be shy and share your accomplishments. Add bonus points if your achievement is quantifiable.
Build your network.
The more connections you have, the easier it is to be found with the LinkedIn algorithm. So how do you go about connecting with people you don’t know just yet? Take the favour test. Ask yourself this: would you do a favour for this person or ask a favour of them? If yes, ask for the connection. If not, take a pass. Connecting with people in your industry is a smart move.
Flex your uniqueness in your headline.
Don’t be boring. If you want your profile to be a way people discover you… place an emphasis on keywords. The headline is one of the most important fields for the search algorithm. So drop the buzzwords and boost your chances of being found. Try this formula: [Job title] + [Company] + [Keywords you want to be known for] + [Zing]. Zing is something that makes you unique and that means memorable. Have you considered an emoji?
Bring your personality
In a world where you can be anything, it’s best to be yourself because everyone else is already taken. Wise words. Your profile should tell your story. Be authentic and give people some insight into who you are. Ditch the lemming language. Be conversational and tell your story in your own voice. Consider adding some multimedia to really add a personal element. Chances are there are a lot of people who do a similar job, so why should they hire you? Plus nearly 87% of recruiters are looking for it! So give them what they’re after!Ok so now that you know some all-star tips, it’s time to put them into practice. If you’re not already doing all of these things, there’s no time like the present. And if you are, well now’s a great time for a refresher (see point #1). So now it’s time for congratulations! You're officially an all-star! Get your game face on and get out there. You might be surprised where it takes you.

Cheryl Sen
Content Marketing Specialist
Our creative genius and brand architect. Also teller of awesome stories. She is a puppet master who does the tango with words and design. The results are magical. Quite literally. Also obsessed with coffee and owned by a mini-panther.
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